Wednesday, June 27, 2007


累残掉, 上来歇歇气。

抽出的空都跑去看家具什么的了。 上周末挤出时间去了今年第一次BBQ, 大肥的羊肉串是一如既往的美味。 湖边居然有机会租到小时候在公园里划的那种船, 美死了,不过不爽的是规定必须穿救生衣。另一大乐事是揉到小桃同学, 小桃同学真真精灵可爱, 不过我还是不知道怎么跟小朋友交流, 倒是锅菜家两个比较游刃有余。

GOGO同学和KENAI两次聚会都还相安无事。 估计大狗和小狗一起养很多就这样的效果, 各自为政, 相互忽略。 不过有KENAI在的时候, GOGO啃骨头要小心很多, 背对大家, 躺到她的DAY BED上面悄悄啃。

套了救生衣划船的我. ^_^

Thursday, June 7, 2007


本来中午想去的, 结果被现在火爆就业情况给刺激到看CV看过时间了。一直喜欢SJP的STYLE, 想女人的时候女人, 想帅气的时候就帅气…………


Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker

Tuesday, June 5, 2007



纪念日过后公司开始SUMMER HOUR, 每天8:30就要到, 周五上半天, 好痛苦

自从搬到现在的楼里后就没习惯过, 楼里的冷气总是在变, 早上还刚好, 午饭回来就寒风瑟瑟了。 被折磨很久以后终于学乖了,现在抽屉里边放了5双不同高度式样温度的鞋,三双不同厚度长度的袜子, 两条不同厚度的裙子, 三件不同式样厚度的外套, 三条不同式样的裤子,再加一床毯子。 很多时候我都不知道到底是我自己的问题还是楼里的冷气太足, 我的过敏也有影响? 因为看同事们都好好的。><

GOGO同学啃了若干周的爪子, 终于被诊断出来春天过敏,VET开了一堆药, 纯给过敏的, 鱼油+维他命, 消炎的, 洗爪子的。另外GOGO身体柔韧度达到新高, 戴了以前在PETCO买的把头刚好遮完的小灯罩还是四爪一爪不漏的啃到!VET给换了个大一号的, 脚到是啃不到了, 但是是那种医院专用的白色塑料,带上丑得慌。

回家大部分时间都在打包准备搬家了。 菜同学给的箱子快用完, 最多的是衣服, 鞋和书。
梦想着住进去就把主卧的衣橱改成california closet, 一面墙全放鞋~~~~~家具还没定下来, 等周末搬完再说吧。

Friday, June 1, 2007



罗马的空气里边测出可卡因来~~~~~~~ 更有意思的是, 最浓的地方是在一所大学周边...hmm....^_^

There's something in the air in Rome: cocaine

ROME (Reuters) - Scientists have discovered particles of cocaine and marijuana, as well as caffeine and tobacco, in the air of Italy's capital, they said on Thursday.

The concentration of drugs was heaviest in the air around Rome's Sapienza university, though the National Research Council's Dr. Angelo Cecinato warned against drawing conclusions about students' recreational habits.

Calling their study "the first in the world to show the presence of particles of cocaine suspended in the atmosphere of the city", the researchers said they took samples in Rome, the southern city of Taranto and in Algiers in North Africa.

Nicotine and caffeine were detected in all three, "showing how widespread consumption of these substances is and how they remain in the atmosphere", state-funded CNR said in a statement.
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The concentration of cocaine in Rome's atmosphere was only 0.1 nanogrammes (1 nanogramme is one billionth of a gramme) per cubic metre at its height during winter months, the researchers said. But the conclusions were worrying for public health.

"It is well documented that even small concentrations in the air of these pollutants can seriously damage health," said Dr. Ivo Allegrini of the CNR's Institute for Atmospheric Pollution.