最近老收到反对开发商到家这块开发的信件, 今天仔细研究下, 突然意识到, 我住在多美一地儿....

记下来, 下次好用..
Iron Chef Chinese Chin(Chen) Kenichi: Iron Chef Chinese owns Akasaka Szechuwan Restaurant (The Iron Chef owns twelve resturaunts total, but this is his "flagship"):
Asaka Shisen Hanten Chiyoda Ku Hirakawa chou 2-5-5 Zenkoku Ryokan Kaikan
An average meal will run you between $90-$160 US Dollars. The Iron Chef and his staff prepare some of the top Szechuwan cuisine in Japan. The restuaunt takes up two floors, the first being for regular dining, the second (upper) floor is reserved for banquets. At the resturaunt you can also buy Iron Chef items, such as a pin in the likeness of Iron Chef Kenichi.
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai: Iron Chef French owns La Rochelle, located on the 32nd floor of Tokyo's Toho Seimei Building. Dinner at this resturaunt, located in an upcasle bussiness neighborhood, will run you considerably more than Iron Chef Chinese's place ($150-$300 USD). But for more affordable dining one can go to Chef Sakai's Grand Cafe (found on the same floor and building as La Rochelle) where one can find drinks, snacks and the occassional buffet. Also at the Cafe one can find some Iron Chef Items, such as the Sakai pin (similar to the Chin pin, only featuring Chef Sakai). La Rochelle has a website (in japanese) at http://www.dis.co.jp/La_Rochelle/la_roche.htm Sakai has recently announced intentions to open a resturaunt in New York City.
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto: Morimoto-san is the head chef at Nobu in New York City. The Iron Chef has recently announced his intentions to open his own resturaunts in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia. The topic of the Iron Chef's departure is a sensitive one at Nobu.
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe: Iron Chef Kobe recently (February, 2000) opened his own resturaunt in Tokyo
Massa 1-23-22 Ebisu Shibuya-ku Tokyo, Japan
The menu at Massa changes daily, and will run you between 2000-6000 yen. Lunch is the most popular time of day for patrons of Massa, dinner is served also. The resturaunt is small so getting a table can be difficult. The popularity of the resturaunt so shortly after opening can only be explained by the celebrity status enjoyed by Iron Chef Kobe.
Iron Chef French Yutaka Ishinabe: The former Iron Chef French owns the popular french resturaunt The Queen Alice Guesthouse. Lunches start at 3,500 yen and dinners start at 7,500 yen. A web page exists for the resturaunt at http://french.club.ne.jp/cdt/alice/alice.html
Iron Chef Japanese Michiba Rokusaburo: Dishes of the first Iron Chef Japanese can be enjoyed at Rokusan-tei in Ginza and Brasserie Rokusaburo. He also has a restaurant in Akasaka named Poisson Roksuboro, however he is most frequently at his resturaunts in Ginza.
Iron Chef Japanese Nakamura Koumei: The second Iron Chef Japanese is the head chef at Nadaman, located in the New Otani Hotel in Tokyo. This five star resturaunt serves breakfast (starting at 2,000 yen), lunch (starting at 2,800 yen) and dinner (starting at 5,500 yen). The hotel features 32 resturaunts and bars. The Hotel's website (in english) can be found at: http://www.newotani.co.jp/en/
新镜头收到, 周末下午遛娃遛狗抗了出去. 抗那么一大炮加上那个遮阳关桶, 力马觉得自己专业起来, 改成手动开拍, 可惜技术太差, 又习惯了定焦, 构图有点手足无措的感觉. 得去多看看类试焦段的照片学习学习, 要不也太对不起这镜头了.

笑死我了, 路透社的报道。 阿富汗隔离了他们唯一一头猪。
Afghanistan's only pig quarantined in flu fear
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's only known pig has been locked in a room, away from visitors to Kabul zoo where it normally grazes beside deer and goats, because people are worried it could infect them with the virus popularly known as swine flu.
The pig is a curiosity in Muslim Afghanistan, where pork and pig products are illegal because they are considered irreligious, and has been in quarantine since Sunday after visitors expressed alarm it could spread the new flu strain.
"For now the pig is under quarantine, we built it a room because of swine influenza," Aziz Gul Saqib, director of Kabul Zoo, told Reuters. "We've done this because people are worried about getting the flu."
Worldwide, more than 1,000 people have been infected with the virus, according to the World Health Organization, which also says 26 people have so far died from the strain. All but one of the deaths were in Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak.
There are no pig farms in Afghanistan and no direct civilian flights between Kabul and Mexico.
"We understand that, but most people don't have enough knowledge. When they see the pig in the cage they get worried and think that they could get ill," Saqib said.
The pig was a gift to the zoo from China, which itself quarantined some 70 Mexicans, 26 Canadians and four Americans in the past week, but later released them.
Some visitors were not concerned about the fate of the pig and said locking it away was probably for the best.
"Influenza is quite contagious and if it passes between people and animals then there's no need for the pig to be here," zoo visitor Farzana said.
Shabby and rundown, Kabul Zoo is a far cry from zoos in the developed world, but has nevertheless come a long way since it suffered on the front line of Afghanistan's 1992-4 civil war.
Mujahideen fighters then ate the deer and rabbits and shot dead the zoo's sole elephant. Shells shattered the aquarium.
One fighter climbed into the lion enclosure but was immediately killed by Marjan, the zoo's most famous inhabitant. The man's brother returned the next day and lobbed a hand grenade at the lion leaving him toothless and blind.
The zoo now holds two lions who replaced Marjan who died of old age in 2002 as well as endangered local leopards. In all, it houses 42 species of birds and mammals and 36 types of fish and attracts up to 10,000 visitors on weekends.
(Reporting by Golnar Motevalli; Editing by Jon Hemming)