Friday, February 2, 2007


换工作搬到中城东部以来,为午饭哪里解决这个问题苦恼很长一段时间了, 以前经常叫外卖的餐馆都不送这里,全得重新开发。

楼下的越南餐馆,开成Fine Dining,去吃碗越南面加了小费居然可以花掉20刀,还吃不饱,NND. 几家粤菜东西都做得很粗鲁,吃几次就受不了。 日本菜试过的都不好。边上的泰国菜也差不了太多, 管的是中国人, 厨房里是老墨,你说能做出什么正宗泰国菜吗,试了两次再也不去了。再说墨西哥菜,近的几家全是卖Burrito的,我倒。卖SOUP的到是有几家,可惜只有一家选择多,但是选择一多价格就翻倍,每次去吃都感觉被骗的感觉。意大利菜是不能中午吃的,下午会困死。剩下得就基本全是Fine dining了。快餐就不说了,哪里都一样,已经很久没有吃过了。自己做了带?家里冰箱现在经常是空的。:((

可是可是, 今天终于找到家好的拉。而且只需要下楼过街。。。日本餐馆,但是不是美式的。网上评论的看起来都是日本人,据说跟他们在平时吃的一个味,我木去过东京,不妄加评论。但是菜单和美国化的日本餐馆不一样,也没有shushi bar, 好多ramen和日式小菜,跟我常去的那家日本超市的差不多。 我要了份curry port cutlet rice, 好好吃,感动死我了。我我我, 以后就把这里做食堂了.

Hizen ($$$)

203 E 45th St, New York 10017
At 3rd Ave

Posted by Anonymous on 12/28/2006
Good food!

Food is awesome in my opinion. Their mix set reminds me of my mom's cooking. The fried rice is really good. It's as authentic as you can get and the prices are very reasonable. I have only been there for lunch so I can't say what dinner is like. You know a place is good if most of the customers come from that particular cuisine's culture, and in Hizen's case, this place is always packed with Japanese locals, tourists and business men alike. Service is also courteous and swift. My only gripe is that they don't deliver and provide take out for my favorite lunch!
Posted by Authentic, Reasonably Priced on 11/22/2006
Typical Tokyo Eating

Hizen is a great example of what has become a rarity among NY Japanese restaurants: reasonably-priced food that looks and tastes almost exactly like what you would get at a similar establishment in Japan. It draws a heavily Japanese crowd at lunch. For $10-12 you can get any one of several excellent set menus. My recommendation is one of the daily ramen specials, which Hizen does well, though my companion thought the sushi was great too (Hizen is really not a sushiya, but makes a compromise and bows to NY expectations that every Japanese restaurant has to serve sushi). Portions-size and taste is authentic. This is definitely not a place which is geared towards foreigners expectations of Japanese food, and the decor is non-descript. Still, food is very good and it's a great value for the money.

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