Iron Chef Chinese Chin(Chen) Kenichi: Iron Chef Chinese owns Akasaka Szechuwan Restaurant (The Iron Chef owns twelve resturaunts total, but this is his "flagship"):
An average meal will run you between $90-$160 US Dollars. The Iron Chef and his staff prepare some of the top Szechuwan cuisine in Japan. The restuaunt takes up two floors, the first being for regular dining, the second (upper) floor is reserved for banquets. At the resturaunt you can also buy Iron Chef items, such as a pin in the likeness of Iron Chef Kenichi.
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai: Iron Chef French owns La Rochelle, located on the 32nd floor of Tokyo's Toho Seimei Building. Dinner at this resturaunt, located in an upcasle bussiness neighborhood, will run you considerably more than Iron Chef Chinese's place ($150-$300 USD). But for more affordable dining one can go to Chef Sakai's Grand Cafe (found on the same floor and building as La Rochelle) where one can find drinks, snacks and the occassional buffet. Also at the Cafe one can find some Iron Chef Items, such as the Sakai pin (similar to the Chin pin, only featuring Chef Sakai). La Rochelle has a website (in japanese) at Sakai has recently announced intentions to open a resturaunt in New York City.
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto: Morimoto-san is the head chef at Nobu in New York City. The Iron Chef has recently announced his intentions to open his own resturaunts in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia. The topic of the Iron Chef's departure is a sensitive one at Nobu.
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe: Iron Chef Kobe recently (February, 2000) opened his own resturaunt in Tokyo
Massa 1-23-22 Ebisu Shibuya-ku Tokyo, Japan
The menu at Massa changes daily, and will run you between 2000-6000 yen. Lunch is the most popular time of day for patrons of Massa, dinner is served also. The resturaunt is small so getting a table can be difficult. The popularity of the resturaunt so shortly after opening can only be explained by the celebrity status enjoyed by Iron Chef Kobe.
Iron Chef French Yutaka Ishinabe: The former Iron Chef French owns the popular french resturaunt The Queen Alice Guesthouse. Lunches start at 3,500 yen and dinners start at 7,500 yen. A web page exists for the resturaunt at
Iron Chef Japanese Michiba Rokusaburo: Dishes of the first Iron Chef Japanese can be enjoyed at Rokusan-tei in Ginza and Brasserie Rokusaburo. He also has a restaurant in Akasaka named Poisson Roksuboro, however he is most frequently at his resturaunts in Ginza.
Iron Chef Japanese Nakamura Koumei: The second Iron Chef Japanese is the head chef at Nadaman, located in the New Otani Hotel in Tokyo. This five star resturaunt serves breakfast (starting at 2,000 yen), lunch (starting at 2,800 yen) and dinner (starting at 5,500 yen). The hotel features 32 resturaunts and bars. The Hotel's website (in english) can be found at:
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's only known pig has been locked in a room, away from visitors to Kabul zoo where it normally grazes beside deer and goats, because people are worried it could infect them with the virus popularly known as swine flu.
The pig is a curiosity in Muslim Afghanistan, where pork and pig products are illegal because they are considered irreligious, and has been in quarantine since Sunday after visitors expressed alarm it could spread the new flu strain.
"For now the pig is under quarantine, we built it a room because of swine influenza," Aziz Gul Saqib, director of Kabul Zoo, told Reuters. "We've done this because people are worried about getting the flu."
Worldwide, more than 1,000 people have been infected with the virus, according to the World Health Organization, which also says 26 people have so far died from the strain. All but one of the deaths were in Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak.
There are no pig farms in Afghanistan and no direct civilian flights between Kabul and Mexico.
"We understand that, but most people don't have enough knowledge. When they see the pig in the cage they get worried and think that they could get ill," Saqib said.
The pig was a gift to the zoo from China, which itself quarantined some 70 Mexicans, 26 Canadians and four Americans in the past week, but later released them.
Some visitors were not concerned about the fate of the pig and said locking it away was probably for the best.
"Influenza is quite contagious and if it passes between people and animals then there's no need for the pig to be here," zoo visitor Farzana said.
Shabby and rundown, Kabul Zoo is a far cry from zoos in the developed world, but has nevertheless come a long way since it suffered on the front line of Afghanistan's 1992-4 civil war.
Mujahideen fighters then ate the deer and rabbits and shot dead the zoo's sole elephant. Shells shattered the aquarium.
One fighter climbed into the lion enclosure but was immediately killed by Marjan, the zoo's most famous inhabitant. The man's brother returned the next day and lobbed a hand grenade at the lion leaving him toothless and blind.
The zoo now holds two lions who replaced Marjan who died of old age in 2002 as well as endangered local leopards. In all, it houses 42 species of birds and mammals and 36 types of fish and attracts up to 10,000 visitors on weekends.
(Reporting by Golnar Motevalli; Editing by Jon Hemming)
I am pleased to announce starting Monday April 6th we are ready to roll out our new Green Initiatives for the remainder of 2009. The success and positive feedback on the water bottle program caused us to seriously look at a series of things and we appreciate our employees’ dedication to making #### a greener place to work.
1. Starting Monday April 6th, we will no longer run HVAC to the floors after 5 pm. This will significantly reduce our power consumption.
2. During the sunniest days we will turn off all light to the floors from 10am – 4pm. We have an abundance of natural light that will make it easy for anyone to work comfortably.
3. We will be eliminating all snacks and beverages that are not produced from a carbon neutral or sustainably harvested company. Many of the brand name snacks and beverages you consume daily will have to be replaced, but we will be replacing them with much healthier options. You can now look forward to fresh local produce, Soy Bars, Granola and Fresh Milk from Hudson Farms.
4. We will be expanding the concierge program so now anyone can now call to find out if a local restaurant or business that is carbon neutral; our receptionists have a list and we encourage you to only pursue only carbon neutral establishments.
5. We will be suspending our dry cleaning service until we find a carbon neutral vendor. (I am still looking and are open to suggestions if anyone knows of one)
6. Starting in May, parking will only be provided for those that can demonstrate they are carpooling or have a hybrid vehicle. We will be adding additional bike racks in the garage in hopes that everyone will pedal into work rather than pollute.
This is just the tip of the Green Scale. I hope that you are all open to traveling down this road with us and as always your suggestions, comments and concerns are welcomed with open arms. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime and I will be happy to address them head on.
1.有次房东问我 did u eat anyting yet? 我说no. 她听后重复了一遍 so u didn't eat anyting. 我说 yes... 房东老太太犹豫了下 又问did u eat ? 我说 no. 她接着说 so u didn't eat . 我说 yes ...... 估计她当时要崩溃了
2. 刚上班不久,有个公司的A/R打电话来催支票,我循例问了一下他是哪间公司打来的,那男的很有礼貌的说:"This is xxx calling from Beach Brother." 听懂了很开心,不过由于对公司名字还不熟,心想先用笔记下来公司名,省得等下忘记了,正得意忘形之间,顺嘴开始拼写人家公司的名字,还说得一本正经:"b.i.t.c.h......*****, correct?"。。。。。那男的终于还是没能忍住怒火,近似于怒吼似的对我喊道:"NO!!! B.E.A.C.H.....BEACH!!!!!!" 接下来的一年里,没再跟这间公司又过任何生意往来......汗
5.我男朋友以前在温哥华乘skytrain的时候,一个白人女人说:I am sorry. 他直接说: you are welcome. 对方都呆了。
7. 第一次跟老外去打painball,玩的是抢旗的那种。由于第一次玩,一直跟着个看起来很专业的队友跑,一路上躲着子弹跑到对方的base. 我们人都挂了,对方就剩一个人在看老家。就听那老外跟我说了一大堆术语,我也没听懂。他看我没听懂就跟我说:it's easy just cover me when i go out. 说完了就喊了一声 cover me! 然后跑了出去,我也不懂他是让我掩护他,没等我想清楚他就跑了。我就顺手从一个箱子上扯下来一块帆布,丢他头上,把他盖住了。结果他就光荣牺牲了。当时大部分人都挂了,在旁边观战。所有人都笑趴了。
9.上次不知道是什么事情把我惹怒了,情急之下我本来要说: YOU!! 但是却说成 ME!!! 那来外开始愣了一下, 后来他说: u wanna say me ?? OR you?? 晕...我连吵架的气势都没了.
11. 一个好朋友刚来加拿大,有一天口渴了想喝可乐。去到便利店很大声的说 EXCUSE ME, DO YOU HAVE COKE? 可是我朋友刚出国,英文尚有很重的口音,好端端的COKE让她说出来就变成了 EXCUSE ME, DO YOU HAVE COCK?店主听得一惊一乍的,连连说:WHAT??? WHAT ? 最后店主终于弄明白她想要喝可乐,钱货两清之后,见我朋友多半是初来乍到,还很好心的给我朋友说以后去买可乐不能再问别人有没有COCK了,那样很让人误会!本来我朋友完全不知道发生了什么事,可是店主解释以后恨不得立刻找个地缝钻进去!后来很长一段时间都不喝可乐了!
12.剛來的時候有一次跟一個兄弟去吃饭,那大哥吃飽以後指著滿桌剩下的碟子一邊劃圈一邊問服務生how much, all this, how much?服務生五官扭曲的看著他。。。。。我最後實在忍不住了,告服務生說他想買單,結果服務生走以後他還不爽,說人服務生就快明白了我打什麼岔。。。
18.第一次打电话叫TAXI...... 对方问where you from.....我回答CHINA,还在奇怪叫taxi还分国籍~?对方可能以为我在搞笑,很郁闷的说 sorry, we can not do that.....我一听...火大...怎么有种族歧视啊..就问: why~?对方楞了半天,挂了.....
23.在加拿大帮老外拔火罐,但是罐很容易掉,我的英语不好,我解释说you have too much fur.他听了之后大笑 :it is hair ,not fur, fur is for animal.我也大笑了起来。
26.我朋友刚来的时候不认识什么人, 所以在班上试图交朋友, 一日, 觉得一白人哥们人挺好, 于是想要人家电话号码,日后做朋友, 于是问:HOW MANY IS YOU PHONE NUMBER? 白人说:TEN. (加拿大号码是十位的)
28.刚来的时候,去BURGER KING去吃饭,点完汉堡,人家问我要酱不,我说要,人家问,哪种?我忘了番茄酱咋说了,想了半天,想出了个JAM,人家还听不懂,最后一赌气说,IT'S UP TO YOU.
30. 刚来加拿大的时候去酒吧玩。。而且还带了一个美美去的,她在国外呆了很一段时间。。。我看她很吊的样子,于是我就装的很帅,走过去打算请她喝酒,于是我问她,喝什么酒,她说。。sex ON THE beach...但是当时很吵,我也压根不知道酒吧里都啥酒名,听成 son of *****...当时我也愣了下,然后吧台很性感的bartender已经在等我叫酒,我回头大声地喊,can i have a son of *****....... 接下来。。我不想再回忆
33.有次买车票,工作人员问我 one way? 我回答:No,two way....他又问了我几遍我的答案还是一样的。。。结果那人很郁闷的看着我~~~后来才反应过来自己还在中文的思维中~~~我把他的意思解释为One way=一位? 我们是两个人,所以two way=两位
37. 刚来上发现老外都喜欢用铅笔,所以去book store跟风买铅笔和橡皮。找不到橡皮就问do you have ruber. 人家笑笑说让我去phamacy买。郁闷。。。为什么去药店买橡皮,去了药店问do you hv ruber.人家笑笑拿给我一盒避孕套。我倒~~!!原来加拿大管橡皮叫eraser
38.刚来的时候 经常说you too....结果我生日那天我的homestay mom 买了个生日蛋糕给我,还跟我说happy birthday...结果我很快的就来了句 you too...
40.想起来一个 是一同学第一次去吃McDonald 结果进去后一紧张,大声说了句:i want to this han baobao,边说边指 对方一时不知所措,我那同学又重复了n遍...
42.有个朋友来加拿大第一次去吃牛排,服务员问How would you like your steak done? 我朋友没听懂,就听别人点的时候说medium , 他就想"我不能跟他们学"。 他就跟服务员说,large please. 服务员一愣,说sorry we don't have that. 然后他又说,small please. 服务员又吓了一跳,说sorry wedon't have that. 他身边的朋友着急了,告诉他,人家问你牛排要几分熟。、他随口就说,80% 。服务员又一愣说,sorry we don't have that......
48.我陪朋友去买车,当天逛了很多车行,留的电话全是我的 大家都知道,车行啊餐馆啊打电话给客户的时候都是以超级快的速度说了一大串东西,刚闯加拿大的我怎么听得清楚啊 某日,电话铃响,看电话号码是好像BMW打来的,愉快接听。 -- Hello ·#¥%……—*#¥%, It is a great day. @#$%^ --Hello, is it BMW? 对方停顿两秒,声音低两度(估计暴汗) --No. It's Toyota and Lexus 。。。。。 这个估计和在麦当劳柜台问肯德基在哪儿差不多
52.有个ESL的女老师,在白板上写字,我冲她的背影大叫"excuse me, sir." 她转过来说" i need to consider which washroom i should go."
54.刚来的时候去麦当劳吃饭 没有餐巾 然后跟人说要paper 那人过会给我拿来了张白纸 还问do you need a pen? 我狂晕了半天然后去厕所洗手的
55.同样发生在麦当劳. 我的某人初来报道.跑到M记买面包.之前表现很是不错,一直维持到服务员问here or to go?.第一次接触外带餐这词,还好思维敏捷马上明白过来了,可是嘴上紧张,对着那男服务员直接喊出"Let's go!"......服务员石化1秒后,说了句K.
59.我一朋友,中午去吃汉堡,厨子问他要加什么,他说:tomato, cheese, and washroom ( mushroom) . 当时所有人流汗到地 -_-
60.一个朋友给我讲的 他刚来的时候去M.C 说了一句"i want a combo 1" 就听casher 说"@#¥#@……%……"(因为不习惯听不懂) 我朋友就说"yes" 然后casher 又说"!#¥%@#¥%" 我朋友说"yes" 后来后面的一个中国人实在忍不住了 告诉他"他问你是要刷卡还是给cash 你yes啥呀???" 61. 还有我听朋友讲的。他们一起上ESL,有个大哥每天都坐第一排,特认真的听课,然后有一天老师看他这么认真,上课就主动和他讲话。老师说:how are you?他说:twenty-two.老师忍了下说:what did you do yesterday? 他说:yes......从此老师再没和他对过话~~~
62.我朋友刚来,坐公车。有个传教士类的人特友好的跟他打招呼,说How is going. 他说go to school~~~~~那个人一下就不会了。。。
63. 刚上初中那会儿第一次去学校厕所而且一般都要和OFFICE里的人报告就屁颠屁颠地跑去了,一到那里是个白人大妈值班看到我问我要干啥。。。我想想说厕所【washroom】是不是太土了点就和她说:Where is the bedroom located? I need to pee。然后就看那大妈瞪着我问:excuse me? 我就特傻地继续问:Bedroom, u no where u pee and poo =.= 大妈想了想就微笑地和我说:I'm sorry honey we don't have a bedroom in school, but if u r looking for a bathroom it's down the hall. 我当时就汗了,把bathroom说成bedroom =.=|||
64.来的第二年了,我去商店买鞋,然后拿着就去问营业员:is this made of beef or pork ( 俺的意思就是猪皮还是牛皮的),那个营业员的表情到现在都记得。
65.刚来,去SENECA 体育馆打羽毛球,不会说羽毛球,连手势带比划,看门小姐还是不懂。急了!!! 大声的说: i want a ball can fly, like a bird. please ! 看门小姐一脸迷茫的跟我说了一堆。 我还是没懂。同去的朋友告诉我说:她不负责抓鸟。
69.刚来英国的时候跟一个女生去银行开户,一个银行职员很亲切地走上前来,还没开口说话,就听那女生说"May i help you?"职员当时就石化,我就在后面拉她衣服,她侧头跟我说,别捣乱别捣乱。然后又对人家说了一次"MAY I HELP YOU"
70.刚来的时候我们三人行,好朋友,两女一男。有天合伙去市场,那个男生想买茄子,上来就问"how much for one kilometer?" 我和另一个女生觉得太丢脸,默默的闪开装不认识他
71. 某某老公刚来的时候英语很不好,坐天车的时候不小心踩了一个白人女的的脚,结果他想躲开的时候不小心又踩了那女的另一只脚…… 然后那女的就瞪着他,他想说"IM SRY"结果一着急就特别大声的说成了"IT'S OK!"然后那女的就也特别大声的回他一句:"IT'S NOT OK!!"全车人都疯了……
72.一个朋友, 才来英国不都是要去警察局注册嘛,我那个朋友当时英文不是一般的差,他连警察局怎么说都不知道。但是他还是很有勇气,一个人打算去警察局注册。走在路上,他随便抓了一个老爷爷,想问说警察局在哪里。但是他发音不标准,把police说成please,那个老爷爷挣扎了半天,听不懂~于是他着急了:"please啊,wear hat, use gun!"一边说一边还比划动作。终于那个老爷爷听懂了,然后回答他:'you want to find police? they are everywhere!" 他更着急了,于是大声说" no no no, i want a group of please, they stand together...."那个老爷爷这次真的听懂了,原来他是要找police station!于是老爷爷把他带去了,还对police说这个从中国来的小伙子英文不好,他需要帮助.
73.朋友的男朋友好猛,他刚来的时候去超市,人家问他要不要cash back,他还以为买东西还有钱收,就说要! 人家问他要多少,他就跟人家说:as much as possible !
75.说个我朋友的, 他叫李硕,刚来英国第2天有个老外问他说:r u sure? 他想都没想还笑嘻嘻的跟人说:yes , i am shuo lee!
76.刚来的时候,住一个寄宿家庭的男生非要请我吃饭,结果就去了麦当劳 他问我你要什么,我帮你点。 我说我就要第一个的那个meal 就行。他说行,我跟你吃一样的。结果老哥上去就跟人家说"Number one two." 点餐的白人听不懂,他跟人家大声地重复了三遍,他自己还特生气。
77.我有一朋友刚来,长的不错,遇一阿×搭讪,那哥们特直接,张口就问我朋友:R u married? 我朋友楞了下,来了句:I am not MARY, I am SHERRY. 她以为人家问她你是MARY吗?
79. 刚来的时候和朋友打电话去必胜客。。。他菜单上面是 super supreme 我就很激动的对着电话喊我要一个 super super me !!!! 对方茫然 我还激动的大喊了好几声 super super me ! 对方继续茫然啊。。。 拼出来以后 对方才说哦哦哦 super supreme ..... 一年都没有再定必胜客的东西
81.当时来英国不久,逛街的时候路上总有很多人发传单,所以就习惯性的会说:NO,THANKS. 结果有次人家给的是新年宣传纸,然后还跟我说:HAPPY NEW YEAR. 然后我很快回答:NO, THANKS
83, 上英語課.跟同學做interview.... 我問她喜歡做什麽..她說...hanging out in the cafeteria with friends... 我當時就奇怪...為什麽她喜歡吊在餐廳呢? 然後我去問那個助教... 我還做了嗰吊死的動作.... 她看到後...笑到瘋了.... 我卻很無奈....hanging out...
84.第一次去超市买胶卷,拿着Durex的果味condom隔着半个超市对着朋友大叫:I found it here.
86.我来说一个,03年的时候在多伦多的SENECA读ELI,班上有一哥们英文不好,有天他来迟了,站在门口,说Sorry, I am late for class. 我们的Miss是一个要求很严格的老太太,问他 How come? 这哥们想了几秒,很认真,很诚恳的回答 By bus. 全班爆笑,老太太一脸黑线~~~
此人说完之后准备走进来,老太太好容易克制了一下,说 Hey, you can't go to the classroom like this, you should ask me "Excuse me, Miss, may I sit down? 这哥们很疑惑的看着老太太, 不说话, 估计是有点长没听明白. 老太太很耐心,接着说 fllow me, say "may I sit down"? 这回他似乎听懂了,很坚定的说了个"Yes",然后潇洒的Keep walking~~~ 老太太终于崩溃了,很配合的坐在自己的椅子上,全班狂笑~~~
91.突然想起还有一个朋友在语言学校时的东北一小哥的笑话,不过那男孩是好心。。 那天那小哥下课快到家了,结果看到两辆车撞了,他就出于好心报警了,"Hi, My name is XXX, a car ed a car, I see red water ,plz cal Wuliwuli come" 解释一下,a car ed a car 就是car crash, red water他是想说blood,wuliwuli是ambulance,因为ambulance的声音是这个。。。 其实他是想说:there's a car crash here, someone injured plz call ambulance come over. 最搞得是,police竟然听明白了,警车和ambulance马上就到了。。。牛啊!!!