Friday, October 19, 2007

Rent-stabilized Park Ave Apartment

本城大8G。 听说过吗?Rent-stabilized Park Ave Apartment?


Poor Bianca Jagger. She's losing the lease on the Park Avenue apartment she's had for twenty years. After lawyers for her landlord, Katz Park Ave. Corp., pointed out to a judge that Jagger was only staying in the United States on a temporary visa, it was impossible for her to claim that the rent-stabilized apartment was her permanent residence. Jagger paid $4,600 a month in rent for the home at the tony 530 Park building. According to reports, the market rent of her apartment would be upwards of $8,000. Not that it really matters, since she stopped paying in 2003, claiming that "toxic mildew" in the walls made it impossible for her to live there. She and Katz are still embroiled in a $20 million lawsuit over the mold. It's so confusing; is Bianca a victim? We can't tell. Really, the whole thing just brings us back to the age-old New York conundrum: Why the hell does someone like Bianca Jagger get to have a rent-stabilized apartment, anyway?

Bianca Jagger Loses NYC Apartment

In case 你对纽约情况不熟悉,这里有点背景知识:
Bianca Jagger是纽约一小名人, 社会和人权活动家, 有欧洲亲善大使之类的各式头衔。
Park Ave 属于纽约市所谓精英人士居住区, 有个Part Ave的地址被很多人看做成功标志。 
Rent-stabilized apartment情况比较复杂, 一般是给低收入外加在若干年前就以低租金入住的人提供的帮助。


Anonymous said...

你这儿还真是好多New Yorker才会在意的故事啊,;)

Katriya said...

我早就把曼哈顿的rent-stablized当成是个urban legend了...