Sunday, January 28, 2007


^_^ 一双是platform,所以虽然增高了但是走路很舒服.另一双是RIDING BOOT.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


这周是NYC restaurant week。中午我们三个女生约着去了midtown east的Django。 这家餐馆是法国和地中海口味的混合。 环境和服务都不错, 比较up scale. 楼下的lounge很适合下班后小喝一点。

菜呢, 我不太喜欢我的沙拉,比较平淡,主餐我的是Braised Lamb Raviolo Herb roasted vegetables and truffle olive jus. 比较有创意,里边的红薯roast恰到好处,香味全出来了。美中不足的是整道菜的甜味稍微重了点,应该是因为三种roasted vegetables有两种都是甜的。 truffle jus非常鲜美可口。两种甜点都不错。 更喜欢我的Dark Chocolate Cirtus Parfait Mandarin ice cream. 厚重的Chocolate和清爽的Cirtus 口味相互协调,非常可口。

另外, 菜的presentation都很好

补充一句,份量真少,我吃了不到三小时就饿了, 还three courses呢...:(((

Django ($$$$$)
Mediterranean, French

480 Lexington Ave, New York 10167
At 46th St
Phone: 212-871-6600

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


刚在NY DAILY NEWS看到的。 这个Guyanese 移民第一次来美国看他哥哥。五天前走出他哥哥家,就再也找不到回家的路,他随身没有带证件,不敢问路,不敢要吃的, 就在皇后区整整迷路了5天,最后快冻死掉的时候被人救了 具体看这里.

The Guyanese immigrant who was lost in Queens for five days told yesterday how he sank into despair and fear as he wandered the streets, worried he would be arrested if he asked for help.

"I was scared the whole time," Damon Mootoo, 32, told the Daily News yesterday from Staten Island University Hospital, where he's being treated for frostbite on his feet.

"I was asking God to just give me strength."

On the face of it, Mootoo's tale sounds so comical - the misadventures of a man who refuses to ask for directions - that it strains credulity.

But as he described the ordeal for the first time, it became clear just how confused he was and how close he came to dying of cold.

Mootoo arrived in New York for the first time a week ago today. He left his brother's house in South Jamaica last Wednesday for a walk and got lost without money or identification on him.

"I was walking from home to home to see if I'd recognize the house," said Mootoo, who is hard of hearing and speaks with a heavy accent.

As darkness fell, it began to snow, and panic set in.

"I started praying," he said. "I said, 'I can't believe I'm lost.'

"I thought the best person to get help from was a police officer," he said. "But I was scared because I didn't have ID with me and no money. I thought they would hold me."

When he could walk no more, he slept in a yard on a piece of plywood with a board on top of him to block the falling snow.

"I was saying to myself, 'Don't give up. I'll get up in the morning and keep walking,'" he said.

By the following night, his feet were cold and swollen. He slept next to a garage, using a discarded Christmas tree as a blanket. The next two nights he bunked in an abandoned green car.

Mootoo, who recently received his permanent resident card, was afraid to approach people who seemed too busy to help and was ashamed to ask for food.

But when he awoke Sunday, he felt inspired and told himself, "I will find it today."

As he roamed the streets for the fifth day, he spotted a water hose outside Michael Bharath's home on 142nd Place. He was trying to turn it on when Bharath came home from church and gave him food and coffee.

When Mootoo found his stepmother's address written on a piece of paper in his pocket, Bharath took him there. It was a five-minute drive.

"I felt so thankful to him and to the Lord," he said.

Via Emilia

很早去吃过, 时不时回味起来又记不住到底是在哪里,餐馆名字是什么。 今天终于给挖出来,记下来,不要再忘了。

餐馆是比较现代的装修,进去让你怀疑这到底是不是意大利餐馆。 其实不但是,而且还很正宗。食客很多都是这里居住的意大利人和旅游到这里的意大利人。

上次点的菜里,印象最深刻的有两道。 开胃菜boiled cotechino sausage, stout sweating rounds served with a mess of white beans and a piquant green salsa something like Argentine chimichurri. 正餐Tortelloni Di Pollo chicken and wild mushroom tortelloni with truffle olive oil. 两道都无比鲜美.

同桌有人点Parmigiano Reggiano E Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale Stravecchio 25 year old balsamic drizzled over pears and cheese。 评价不错, 不过我不喜欢.

Via Emilia ($$$)
47 E 21st St, New York 10010
Btwn Bway & Park Ave
Phone: 212-505-3072

Gender Crossing Celebrity Look-alikes

逛网逛到一个很搞的网站, 里边有一系列不同性别但是长得很象的名人照片。 放在这里, 上班无聊的时候可以用来打发时间.^_^

Jake Gyllenhaal and K. D. Lang

Dustin Hoffman & Jennifer Aniston

Ellen Degeneres and Owen Wilson

Colin Farrell and Rosie O'Donnell

Ashlee Simpson and David Lee Roth

Monday, January 22, 2007


今天看到 FlickrFind

Today's FlickrFind: A terrific photograph of the cecropia moth caterpillar, the natural inspiration for candy buttons.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth

今天看了.非常好. 很dark.

Trailer很容易让人误解为是一个魔幻电影. 想去看这类电影的人会失望的.

没有fairytale,有的不过是一廂情愿的想象. 小女孩的地下迷宫和现实不断的交织, 剥去fairytale的外表下, 整部电影就是二战末期西班牙法西斯统治的黑暗年代写实. 完美的fairytale画面和恶梦般的现实形成强烈对比. so dark看完后到现在仍然觉得心里压了点什么.





Saturday, January 20, 2007

SleepWalkers - Doug Aitken

SleepWalkers是Doug Aitken在MOMA做一个非常有意思的展览.

8个巨大的移动影像投在MOMA四周, 播放的是5个不同背景职业的人在傍晚醒来一路走到城市, 从五双不同的眼睛里看到的夜晚的城市. 展览在博物馆外, 投影到不同建筑物的墙上. 最好的观看方式是在MOMA的建筑边上慢慢绕圈, 你会发现自己也变成了其中的一部分.

展览从1/16到2/12.每晚5-10PM, 跟影片里边的时间一致.

可惜的是, 这个展览为什么是在冬天...:(

Friday, January 19, 2007




同学们,让时尚无处不欢吧, 哈哈

Foreigners don’t tip

纽约的游客很多, 但不是每个国家的人都有习惯在餐馆给小费. 今天看到一则新闻, 一家叫Aquagrill 的餐馆决定给所有有四个以上非美国人的账单直接划上18%的小费...

Slashfood reported:
In this instance, the party that was taxed consisted of four diners who all reside in the US, ordered in English and conversed amongst themselves in French during their meal. Their "foreignness" was apparently identified because they all spoke French, so the tax was applied. Adding a tax to a bill without informing the diners in advance is illegal, at least in New York City, where the Department of Consumer Affairs allows a 15% gratuity to be added to parties of 8 or more, as long as notification is conspicuously printed on the menu. The group confronted the manager and eventually paid the bill, noting that they would not return to the restaurant.

说什么好呢, 不过这家餐馆的服务生该偷着乐了

Thursday, January 18, 2007


最近在做一个让全美人民Get Fit的Project^_^。网站推出不到一周, 已经有1万人注册而且开始记录他们的健身和饮食记录了。 今天客服支持forward给我一封用户的Email,说是昨晚不能记录她的work out log, 顺带说她是怎么天天follow我们的program, 这个program对她来说是多么重要. 我去查, 发现她每天都坚持锻炼,合理饮食,而且每天都把自己的健身记录和一日三餐包括零食详细记录到我们网上。

突然有点感动, 觉得自己做的东西有了真实的价值。

Lindsay Lohan for Miu Miu

Lindsay Lohan 给Miu Miu拍的广告, 晕, 还能看得出是Lindsay吗?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

还记得Katherine McPhee吗

在金球奖的AFTER PARTY上.上一届落败的AMERICAN IDOL. 更美了^_^



安藤百福1910年出生於台湾嘉义朴子镇,1948年移民日本大阪之后发明方便面。接著在1958年又发明鸡肉拉面,虽然一碗要价35日元,在当时并不便宜,仍然成为畅销产品。后来在 1971年,他从西方人不用碗而是使用保丽龙材料制成的咖啡杯来吃方便面获得的灵感,又发明了「杯面」。令人惊奇的是在 2005年安藤百福竟然以95岁的高龄仍出现在日本电视媒体,促销一款以太空人曾在外太空上探险时享用的杯面。




以为假期已经结束, 没想到紧接着是MLK. 继续三天大假, 两天在家血站战到底到凌晨三点, 黑白再次颠倒. 连续两晚红酒安眠药一起上还是无法按时入睡.

最近给GOGO改了粮食, 用白水鸡胸拌干狗粮. GOGO同学估计是太太太喜欢了, 胃口好了不止一倍. 晚点开饭, GOGO同学就会用各种方式来表示她的不满, 包括哼哼, 头来顶我, 头撞空碗, 舔空碗, 踢开空碗看地上有没有上顿漏掉的, 如果我还无动于衷, 就会试图跟我说话..... 一旦见我起身, 立刻屁颠屁颠兴高采烈地奔向她的碗.......而且, 还要吃夜宵!!

另外, 到三月之前不去任何时尚版, 不买任何衣服包鞋. Bergdorf Goodman把我的budget全给清光了. :((

大家纷纷写朋友的故事, 我没法写, 不愿意给别人贴上我的label. 写真实了太赤裸, 写故事了太虚伪.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007



我喜欢四季分明的气候,夏天要有雷雨,秋天有红叶,冬天有雪,大部时候要阳光灿烂。在成都长大,就没见过几场雪,阴雨天还特多。 但是见过的每场雪,都有记忆,都有故事。

刚到美国,在一个极小的北方城市,第一次看到铺天盖地的大雪. 没有铲雪机是出不了门的,因为门都被雪给压住了。 不小心走到压满雪的草地上, 小半个人就没了。这样的时候,屋里显得特别的温暖。

那时候住学校DORM, 正好是XMAS,学校放假学生餐厅不开门. 我和同屋,在雪里走了半小时到最近的一个超市觅食,居然发现了方便面和波兰肠,赶紧买了回去。用微波炉热开了水来泡,加了我大箱里带来的老干妈,生平美味,不过如此啊。

补充,今天的雪居然只在midtown & downtown下了, uptown没影响. 真牛

Monday, January 8, 2007


每个周一都是最痛苦的时候。 周末连续几天晚睡, 一到周日晚,怎么也睡不着了, 昨晚辗转反彻到1点,起来两杯红酒,然后上去UO买了两件衣服,重新回到床上,已经3点,继续辗转反彻到凌晨5,6点才迷糊过去, 到7点半闹钟就响了。 怎么能这么惨呀。

新闻说有煤气泄漏,整个曼哈顿大部分地方都能闻到, 但我估计是太困了, 怎么也闻不出来 .

新LAUNCH的网站居然被人抱怨年龄歧视, 一查, 居然还真把别人55-64的人群段给漏掉了。

Sunday, January 7, 2007


一年了, 我终于有勇气来看照片. 信, 你一定要收到

Saturday, January 6, 2007


加班, 回家煮了碗迷你小饺, 就着酸菜鱼片汤.

想测下相机的ISO, 拍了照片.

Thursday, January 4, 2007


从来就是泡面狂人, 最早吃国产的康师傅,统一,基本都是油炸的,而且防腐剂加的很多,连续几餐能闻到自己散发出防腐剂的味道. 不过不影响我一餐餐吃下去。后来有了韩国农心,味道好了很多,小杯装,尤其是野菜味,很香。


今天中午又试了在中国超市买到的上海产的农心,大碗的石锅牛肉面。及其失望,面比韩国原装的差了太多,料没一点蔬菜,好象回到了泡面的石头世纪. 不过韩国原装的也有问题, 跟他们的电器和车一样不稳定,同一种面,质量居然会时好时坏, 不比也罢.



新年开始, 假期结束。

假期后遗症, 闻到酒味就恶心,手机里的照片, 全是喝high掉的各色人等.

那天从闪处三人醉酒回家,事隔几天, 当晚开车的人问我, 一, 那天晚上, 最后是谁开车回家的呢?

金银花,普洱茶,喝了一杯又一杯, 还是犯撑。时区改成了北京时间。

看新闻有人游戏抗议新年到来,我也想加入,现在更好些,不要2007, 不要2008


根据WNBC的报道, MTA终于找到了纽约地铁延误的TOP REASONS
哦, 原来还可以这样的
MTA: Fainting Dieters Delay Subways
NEW YORK -- Sick straphangers, including passengers who faint because they're dieting too strenuously, are among the top causes of subway delays, according to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
After track work and signal problems, ill passengers rated among the main reasons for subway disruptions between October 2005 and October 2006, according to an analysis of MTA statistics, AM New York reported Tuesday.
Asim Nelson, a transit emergency medical technician, told the paper that fainting dieters topped the "sick customer" list.
"Not eating for three or four days, you are going to go down," Nelson said. "If you don't eat for 12 hours, you are going to get weak."
Although the agency doesn't keep an official record of the nature of each rider's illness, the paper said that an average 395 delays each month are caused by sick customers.
Fainting spells caused by missed meals topped other "sick customer" causes, including flu symptoms, anxiety attacks, hangovers and heat exhaustion, according to Nelson.
Nelson is part of the MTA's "sick Customer Response Program," which consists of EMTs and registered nurses. When a rider becomes sick, the train conductor must stay with the passenger until emergency responders arrive.