Friday, January 19, 2007

Foreigners don’t tip

纽约的游客很多, 但不是每个国家的人都有习惯在餐馆给小费. 今天看到一则新闻, 一家叫Aquagrill 的餐馆决定给所有有四个以上非美国人的账单直接划上18%的小费...

Slashfood reported:
In this instance, the party that was taxed consisted of four diners who all reside in the US, ordered in English and conversed amongst themselves in French during their meal. Their "foreignness" was apparently identified because they all spoke French, so the tax was applied. Adding a tax to a bill without informing the diners in advance is illegal, at least in New York City, where the Department of Consumer Affairs allows a 15% gratuity to be added to parties of 8 or more, as long as notification is conspicuously printed on the menu. The group confronted the manager and eventually paid the bill, noting that they would not return to the restaurant.

说什么好呢, 不过这家餐馆的服务生该偷着乐了